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PAINTING - Whimsical Animals
Quicky Intro!
YouTube Whimsical Animal Videos! These are quicker, but there soooooo fun and inspirational!!!
17 MORE Fun Whimsical Animal Projects!
Silly Llama!! So easy, so fun! (Uses Hamburger system!)
Silly Llama!
This Crabby Crab is grumpy AND adorable!! (Uses Hamburger system!)
The Crabby Crab! (56:37)
Great Holiday project!! (Uses Hamburger system!)
I love you Deerly! (Christmas/Winter Holiday Project) (85:55)
Level EASY (Basic Drawing Lesson included and Limited Supplies)
Adorable Fall Fox
My absolute FAVE projects from the Mixed Media Magic book!
Girl, Cat and Dog Trilogy from Mixed Media Magic Book (152:12)
Taaaaalllllll and flashy flamingoooo!
Fancy & Fabulous Flamingo (28:27)
Watercolor Whales - So simple yet so beautiful! Perfect for beginners!
Watercolor Whales!! (45:25)
Cutest Penguin in the Whole Wide World!
The cutest animal you'll ever paint! (73:49)
Whimsical Birds on a Sheet of Music! I just love this quick, whimsy project!
Sweet Musical Birds! (12:41)
Adorable Holiday (Christmas) PUG!!
An Adorable Christmas Pug Painting!! (All Acrylics) (74:45)
Whimsical Watercolor Birds!!
Merry Christmas 2020! Enjoy Making these relaxing whimsical birds! (33:24)
Whimsical Woodland Watercolor Friends!
Whimsical Woodland Watercolor Friends! (58:24)
The Cat Lady! (Hamburger System)
Cat Lady!! (108:37)
Whimsical Cat & Doggy Duo!!!
Whimsical Cat (Duo Part 1) (43:21)
Whimsical Dog (Duo Part 2) (19:52)
Cute & Crazy Birds!!! with Special Guest Interview Lucy Brydon teaching us about Gouache!
Interview with Brilliant Artist Lucy Brydon & Supplies Used for the 4 Cute Birds Projects Below!!
1 of 4 Cute and Crazy Birds GOUACHE Projects!! (23:32)
2 of 4 Cute and Crazy Birds GOUACHE Projects!! (13:35)
3 of 4 Cute and Crazy Birds GOUACHE Projects!! (20:02)
4 of 4 Cute and Crazy Birds GOUACHE Projects!! (15:39)
Finger Painted Donkey!!
Cutest Donkey Project (knife/finger painted!) (78:34)
Grumpy Flower Cat
Hilarious Grumpy Flower Head Cat!! (58:43)
Watercolor Party Llama!!! Woot!
Party Llama!!! Let's DO THIS! (51:20)
Adorable Winter Owl!
Let's paint this adorable owl!!
Holiday Cards Inspired by Wiebke Rauers Illustrations!
Silly Stand Up Happy Holiday Dog (27:05)
Cute Curious Squirrel with Santa Hat! (21:55)
Cozy and Warm Happy Holidays Guinea Pigs! (30:56)
Happy Hour LIVE Paint Along Animals!
Watercolor Winter Penguin
Valentine's Owl
Wacky Whiskers Christmas Cat!
Wacky Whiskers Christmas Cat (Hamburger) (81:16)
Wonky Woofer
Wonky Woofer (77:32)
Baby Deer!!!
Mixed Media a Baby Deer with me (LIVE!)
Horrible Hamburger Bunny (LIVE)
LIVE version
Teach online with
Watercolor Whales!!
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