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PAINTING - Mixed Media "Hamburger" eBook & over 2 Dozen FUN Lessons!!
What's in this Mixed Media "Hamburger" Classroom? (8:59)
SEE ALL of the Projects You'll Create Here!
List of my favorite (and most frequently used) mixed media supplies.
The Original Mixed Media "Hamburger" System Explainer Series that goes over each Layer of my FAVORITE Mixed Media Process!
Mixed Media "Hamburger" eBook! (21:52)
The Complete Comprehensive Overview to my "Hamburger" Approach to Mixed Media (40:44)
Before you begin, what are the best Substrates to work with? (11:00)
How and Why the HECK do you start with Collage in Mixed Media Projects? (Layer 1) (25:57)
Acylic Paint Layer (Layer 2) (20:40)
Making sense of all those supplies, oh my! (Layer 3) (34:15)
Mod Podge/Sealer Layer 4 & 6 - Exploring 7 additional Sealant Options! (25:26)
Layer 5 - Painting with Paint (Posca and Pitt) Pens! (11:46)
Layer 7 - Varnishes and Top Coats (15:05)
Level EASY (Cute animal project, Drawing to Trace!)
Silly Llama!
Level EASY (Drawing Sheets to Trace, Simple Shapes!)
Magic Potion Bottles (25:14)
Level EASY (Cute whimsical animal project. Easy Drawing and Minimal Supplies))
The Crabby Crab! (56:37)
Level EASY (Easy Face, Minimal Supplies)
The Making of the Mysterious Mistress! (55:44)
Level EASY (Drawing Traceable Provided)
I love you Deerly! (Christmas/Winter Holiday Project) (85:55)
Level EASY (Traceables Provided)
Valentine's Owl on Canvas Panel
Level EASY (Drawing Provided so you can Trace!!)
Drink Happy Thoughts! (75:52)
Level EASY
Mixed Media "Hamburger" Eyes - 2 ways!
Level EASY (Basic Drawing Lesson included and Limited Supplies)
Adorable Fall Fox
Level INTERMEDIATE (3/4 Face but Basic and Traceable Provided)
Sweet Angel GIRL (79:18)
Sweet Angel BOY (72:58)
Level INTERMEDIATE - Flower Fairy Foam Head
Fairy Foam Head! (25:37)
Level INTERMEDIATE (Some Drawing & Mixed Media Experience Recommended)
Girl, Cat and Dog Trilogy from Mixed Media Magic Book (152:12)
Level INTERMEDIATE (Drawing is Easy but Supplies are Involved)
Fancy & Fabulous Flamingo (28:27)
Level INTERMEDIATE (Step by Step Drawing Given but Requires Watercolors & Washi Tape)
Happiness Blooms (50:05)
Level INTERMEDIATE (Basic Face Drawing and Shading)
70s Inspired Girl on upcycled Vinyl Record Cover! (Originally Published in Mixing the Media for Beginners) (121:51)
Level INTERMEDIATE (Steps are easy to follow, just more involved!)
CityScape - Creative Project you can do for YOUR Favorite City! (76:55)
Level INTERMEDIATE (Outline provided for tracing forward facing face, Clear Hamburger Layers!)
Spring Goddess, Lady of Spring (68:10)
Level INTERMEDIATE (A bit of drawing required but FUN Christmas Project!)
Holiday Elf!
Level INTERMEDIATE: Magical Floral Fairy (also found in the Fantasy Classroom!)
Magical Floral Fairy (92:37)
Level INTERMEDIATE (Cat Lady!!! (Forward Face and Cat - Images provided for Easy image transfer Whimsical Animal Classroom)
Cat Lady!!! So fun! (Also appears in the Whimsical Animal Classroom)) (108:37)
Level INTERMEDIATE (Some Drawing & Free Form Petal Painting)
Hilarious Grumpy Flower Head Cat (58:43)
Level INTERMEDIATE (Forward facing portrait, some details)
Steampunk Girly! (116:34)
Level ADVANCED (some complex shading with unusual shades of color)
Striking Whimsical Face Project (Same process as cover of Mixed Media Magic Book) (151:22)
Level ADVANCED (3/4 Whimsical Face)
Whimsical Double Spread Girl! (51:41)
Level ADVANCED (Complex Drawing and Shading)
Magical MashUp Mermaid (77:43)
Level ADVANCED (3/4 Very Stylized Portrait Drawing with Sophisticated Shading)
Sassy Bird Chic! (108:16)
Level ADVANCED (Some Intricate Drawing of the Body/Face)
"Don't be like the rest of them, Darling" Project from Mixed Media Magic Book
Level ADVANCED (Complex drawing and painting)
Day of the Dead/Sugar Skull Project (104:40)
Level ADVANCED (3/4 Face Drawing)
Elvin Snake Charmer (88:43)
Level ADVANCED (3/4 Face and Mermaid Drawing - also in Fantasy Classroom)
Diva Mermaid!!! (127:37)
Buxom Beauty!! (107:33)
Marilyn Monroe! (113:38)
Sugar Skull in Brilliant Color (214:04)
Level EASY (Wacky Whiskers for Christmas!)
Wacky Whisker Christmas Hamburger Edition! (81:16)
EASY (Wonky Woofer!)
Wonky Woofer (inspired by the latest book I'm working on!) (77:32)
MEDIUM (It's NEVER too Late!)
Cool Grandma!! (It's NEVER too late) (102:54)
Teach online with
Valentine's Owl on Canvas Panel
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